How to share your HDR photos on the web directly from Lightroom

The most recent Lightroom updates not only allow HDR editing on every platform, but also the ability to easily create a custom gallery which includes your HDR images. It looks great on any browser as it shows HDR where supported and automatically falls back to a great SDR everywhere else. It also supports all versions of Lightroom, including Classic, cloud, and mobile. See my LR web gallery for a live demo.


How to create an HDR portfolio page from LR Classic:

The Classic workflow is shown in the video above and involves the following steps:

  1. Enable syncing by clicking the cloud icon at top-right of LR (if you haven’t ready done this).
  2. Create a collection and add the images you wish to share. You may use a custom sort order to drag the images around as you like.
  3. Right-click the collection to make sure “sync with Lightroom” is enabled (if you don’t see this option, you need to complete the first step to enable syncing in the catalog).
  4. Right-click the collection and go to Lightroom Links / Make Collection Public – or click the “Make Public” button at top-right.
  5. After a couple minutes, you will see a link show at top-right (or under Lightroom Links / Copy Public Link). Load or copy the link from either location to share with others.
  6. For advanced options, right-click the collection and go to Lightroom Links / View on Web for the private view. Click on the palette at bottom or sharing icon towards top-right of the website for more options (as shown in the video above). These options include the ability to create sections, add text, and set the default cover image (which would be shown on social media when sharing a link to your portfolio).

You might wish to create alternate versions of your images (to sharpen them, add watermarks, limit resolution, etc) rather than sharing the original image. Viewers will see an image up to 2048 pixels on the long edge, unless you share a smaller image.

Tip: the cloud syncing works pretty much flawlessly for the cloud and mobile versions of LR, but that’s not always the case for LR Classic. It works well, but you may see occasional images which get delayed or stuck. See these tips for resolving syncing issues.

How to create an HDR portfolio page from LR (cloud):

The workflow for the cloud version of LR is a bit different. Cloud syncing is on by default, and albums (rather than collections) are used to share images. Use the following workflow:

  1. In the albums area in the left column, click the + icon and choose “create album“.
  2. Right-click your new album and choose “share & invite“.
  3. Set link access to “anyone can view“.
  4. The rest of the options in here are similar to the sharing options shown on the website in the demo for Classic (ie you can do more in LR cloud than Classic), but you’ll still need to view the website for the extra options under the palette icon (such as adding text and breaks in the layout).

How to create an HDR portfolio page from mobile:

The workflow is similar to LR cloud, but the layout is a little different. Use the following workflow:

  1. Click the “Lightroom” tab at bottom-middle of the home screen.
  2. Click the dropdown at top left to show albums, and then click the “+ create new” button at the bottom of the list.
  3. Then click … next to your new album and click on “share & invite“.
  4. Set link access to “anyone can view“.
  5. The “customize display” area shows additional controls the the layout, theme, etc. Like cloud, you’ll need the website for the palette icon options shown in the video above.


Limitations for sharing HDR images through LR web portfolios:

Adobe is pioneering so many HDR tools at once, it’s incredible. But with all things new, there are some gaps. You should be aware of a couple minor limitations:

  • The grid view only shows SDR. I recommend a note to tell your viewers to view the image large for HDR if you feel that is important.
  • There is an embedded sharing option (not shown in the video) can create a slideshow of images for your web. It’s great, but only shows SDR.
Greg Benz Photography