32-bit HDR with Lumenzia v11

Lumenzia v11 is now available as a free update for all customers (see update page/video to download). The main theme for v11 is comprehensive support for 32-bit (“HDR”) workflows, which allow you to create absolutely stunning images for monitors that support at least 400nits peak brightness. Note that this name might be confusing because we’ve used the term “HDR” for years (for tone mapping on monitors with limited dynamic range), but now that same name is being used for a completely different display technology that allows you to truly display higher dynamic range.

Nearly every major feature in Lumenzia has been optimized for 32-bit support in v11. It’s designed to be as transparent as possible (while adding alternatives and extra support where needed due to differences in 32-bit mode in Photoshop), so the interface is the nearly identical to prior versions. See the release notes for more details. And be sure to see the written manual’s section on 32-bit workflows for more details (the manuals can be found via the flyout menu at top-right of Lumenzia v11).

32-bit workflows offer:

  • Vastly greater dynamic range.
  • Boosted brightness without losing saturation for gorgeous sunrises and sunsets.
  • Intricate details in the highlights for white clouds and flowing rivers.
  • Glowing city lights.
  • And you can use these techniques to enhance any image (no RAW required, even an 8-bit JPG can be improved).


In the following tutorial, you’ll learn:

  • How 32-bit differs from 8 and 16-bit editing
  • How to improve any images by converting to 32-bit HDR and using Lumenzia v11
  • A workaround to edit in 32-bit even on monitors that can’t display HDR


Greg Benz Photography